A minimal black ink drawing on a torn piece of paper. The drawing deceipts a person sitting in a chair in front of a table. The person head is leaning on their hands which are on the table, in an apparent frustration.

Shay Elkin


My name is Shay (pronounced like the English word shy) Elkin, and I live with my partner and our family in an 130 years old house in Berkeley, California.

You are welcome to get into my DMs.

Professional Life

I am a software engineer at Confluent, where I work on Kora, the cloud-native version of Apache Kafka.

Before I started at Confluent, I worked at multiple tech start-ups, the ones you may be familiar with are Mixpanel and Life360. And in what now feels like a different life, I used to study mathematics at HUJI.


On naming software artifacts, and a true story about an addictive codename.

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